Climate Reports
Legislative Analyst’s Office: Climate Change Impacts Across California
This series of six reports is intended to help policymakers think about how climate change will impact various sectors and, consequently, what key corresponding policy and fiscal issues the Legislature will face in the coming years. They are intended as framing documents to help the Legislature adopt a “climate lens” across policy areas.
California Natural Resources Agency: Safeguarding California
The Safeguarding California Plan: 2018 Update is the State’s roadmap for everything state agencies are doing and will do to protect communities, infrastructure, services, and the natural environment from climate change impacts. This holistic strategy primarily covers state agencies’ programmatic and policy responses across different policy areas, but it also discusses the ongoing related work to with coordinated local and regional adaptation action and developments in climate impact science.
California Energy Commission: Cal-Adapt
Cal-Adapt provides a way to explore peer-reviewed data that portrays how climate change might affect California at the state and local levels.
Climate Interactive EN-ROADS Simulator
A free, online simulator for visualizing the impacts of different climate policy decisions on energy generation, greenhouse gas emissions, and global warming outcomes.
The Climate Game by The Financial Times
Using scientific modelling as its basis, The Climate Game lets users play through scenarios in an attempt to limit greenhouse gas emissions and global warming, making decisions on green tech, policy interventions, and more.
ClimateHero Carbon Calculator
Calculate your households estimated greenhouse gas emissions from residential building efficiency to transportation and consumption choices – everything counts!
The NASA Climate Time Machine
Using NASA data and science, track how specific climate indicators have shifted over time.