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City of Chico

City of Chico

Park Donations

Park Donations

Park Bench
Donations to the Park Division are deposited in a dedicated fund utilized only for Bidwell Park and the City’s Greenways. Donations are tax deductible because they are used solely for public purpose (IRS Publication 526 (2012), p. 2).

Help Bidwell Park through A Contribution Today!

The City of Chico owns and manages over 5,200 acres of greenways, parks and open spaces, including our crown jewel, Bidwell Park! Please consider a gift to help with a park project, repair or replace infrastructure, maintain trails, renovate or maintain Caper Acres, vegetation management projects and Intern scholarship. Donations are tax deductible. Click here to download a Park Donation Form.

Caper Acres Bricks

The Park Division has an ongoing program through which individuals, groups, or organizations can purchase an engraved brick for installation at the Caper Acres playground. Bricks may have up to 3 lines of engraving with a maximum of 14 characters and spaces per line. The current cost per brick is $100. Funds received are set aside for the upkeep of the playground. To download a brick order form, click Caper Acres brick form.

Vita Course Replacement Project in Lower Bidwell Park

We invite the public to purchase and help install new exercise stations to replace the current Vita Course stations. An instructional sign will accompany each new station and will list the donor of the station, if desired. New exercise stations have been purchased by the Chico Police Officers Association (knee lift station) and the Chico Noon Exchange Club (push up station).