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City of Chico

City of Chico

Park Rangers

Park Rangers

park ranger logo
Bidwell Park serves not only as a municipal park for the citizens of Chico, but as a regional park for the residents of Butte County. The primary role of the park ranger is to patrol City parks and enforce applicable laws and park rules.
The rangers’ secondary role is to serve as public information officers. Rangers maintain high visibility during their patrols to help deter crime in Bidwell Park and other City-managed recreation facilities. The Park Division and Police Department work in cooperation for dispatch services.

Community Outreach

Community outreach is an important element to encourage appropriate use and appreciation of the parks and recreational resources. Rangers give presentations on a wide range of topics, including non-native vegetation, Native American use of Bidwell Park, and discussions on geology, flora and fauna.
Rangers are also active in the 911 Safety Pals presentations with the Fire and Police Departments. These presentations to elementary school students focus on personal safety issues.  To schedule a presentation contact, Senior Ranger Shane Romain at 530-896-7800.
Rangers regularly provide informative displays at public events, such as the annual Fire, Health, & Safety Expo and Farm City Week at the Chico Mall. This enables rangers to convey information about the park system to our community.

Fire Suppression/Vegetation Management

Rangers are also involved with the Vegetation Management Program in Bidwell Park. California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection inmate work crews require active ranger participation to provide the crews with additional supervision.