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City of Chico

City of Chico

Arts & Culture

Hand sculpture
The primary areas of focus for the City Arts programs are public art, arts promotion, and marketing Chico as an arts and culture destination.
The public art program includes the placement of art on city owned property; the inclusion of artists on design teams for capital improvement projects; and a City Arts Grant Program that supports arts organizations and artists so that quality arts and cultural work, performances, and exhibitions are available and accessible to members of the Chico community.

About the Arts Commission

About the Arts Commission

The Arts Commission is composed of seven members appointed by the City Council to serve four-year terms. The Commission makes recommendations to the Council regarding the public art program, the yearly allocation of  grant funds to arts organizations and individual artists, and the marketing of Chico as an arts and culture destination.

funding Opportunities

funding Opportunities

The City Council has a policy which sets aside a percentage of the City’s General Fund for community arts organizations and projects located in the Chico Urban Area.

Mini Grants for Artists

Mini Grants for Artists

This is defined as a project or program, located in Chico, whose primary purpose is the performance, production or display of art works. Artists are eligible for up to $2,000. The contract for the project or program will be executed on a reimbursement basis.

The City of Chico Arts Master Plan

The City of Chico Arts Master Plan

Developed by the City of Chico Arts Commission and approved by the City Council on July 21, 1993
The Arts, consisting of the general areas of visual, performing and literary arts, are a creative means of self-expression and understanding which contribute to the health and quality of life in a community. This Arts Master Plan represents a recognition by the City of Chico of the need to actively participate in the artistic and cultural development of its citizens. The role of the Arts Commission in fulfilling this need is to serve as an advocate for the Arts, and as a community partner in the design and development of the City’s cultural and arts programs which encourage citizen participation.

City Arts Contact Information

City Arts Contact Information

Arts Coordinator