City Property Information
The City maintains over 200 City-owned properties. At times, the City is requested to consider the leasing of those properties. In order to ensure consistency in how the City approaches City property leases, the City Council authorized the establishment of Administrative Policy & Procedure 11-66 which provides the process for submitting a proposal to lease a City-owned property.
Certain properties, such as properties within the Airport Service Area or Bidwell Park, may have additional requirements. For any questions regarding the leasing of City-owned property, contact the City Manager’s Office at (530) 896-7200.
Leasing a City-owned Property
The City requires any potential lessee or third-party facilitating a lease on behalf of another to make a written request with specific required information. The written request must include the following information regarding the leasing entity:
Leasing Entity
- Legal Name of Entity leasing the property;
- Other Names used by the leasing entity and commonly recognized name;
- Legal status of the entity (501c3, llc, corporation, etc.);
- Contact information for each current location of entity;
- Contact information for each principal of the entity;
City Property Information
- Identification of the specific City property requested;
- Term of use (3 years, every first Thursday of the month, etc.);
- Date when occupancy is requested to begin;
- Summary information of any capital changes that will be requested which alter or improve the property;
Intended Use
- Detailed information regarding the intended use of the property;
- Public purpose or benefits provided by the intended use of the property;
- Intended population served by use, including portion residing within Chico;
- Impacts of the lease – traffic, environmental, surrounding neighborhood, etc.; and
Compensation and Terms
Outline of the lease agreement terms, specifically monetary and non-monetary items, which the lessee is proposing for the property.
If the City Manager determines that the potential lessee is a viable option to lease City property, the City can request the following information, but not be limited to
- Service Projection - Projection of the number of people that will utilize the organization’s services;
- Proof of Legal Status – The organization will submit proof verifying the legal status of the entity (501c3, Llc, corporation, etc.);
- Other Leases Listing – a list of all the property the organization leases, the use of those properties, and the lease or rent paid for those leased properties;
- Projected Staff - the number of projected full-time equivalent staff the organization will utilize for operations within the City property;
- Financial Capabilities – Three years of documentations showing the organizations financial condition and capabilities (i.e. review of financial statements or income tax returns, etc.);
- Board of Directors - The names, addresses and contact information for the board of directors will be provided to the city;
- Organizational Chart - an organizational chart of the organization will be provided to the City;
- Performance Measures – operational and performance measures for the organization will be provided to the City;
- Additional Information - the City may request any additional information the City feels is necessary to determining whether to lease City property to a particular organization; and
- Failure to Provide – failure to provide any of the requested information may lead to a no recourse rejection.
City-owned Properties
The City owns over 280 parcels of property for use by the City or economic development. The following document lists the properties of record, the county assessor’s property number, legal description, size in acres, zoning, general plan designation, land use code, and parcel description. The list does not include rights of way, easements of other public works related infrastructure.
Current Property Leases
The City maintains over 30 lease or concession agreements with various entities utilizing City properties (airport excluded). The following document highlights the non-airport agreements and key terms.
Each entity maintains a separate agreement which may also include amendments or other additional agreements.