
The Public Works Engineering Department consists of Traffic, Development, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Water, Capital Project, and Construction Engineering Divisions.
Our Mission Vision and Goals include the following:
- Ensuring public safety through detail-oriented and strategic improvements to mitigate unsafe operation and use of our public property.
- Providing safe, sustainable, integrated and efficient transportation systems to enhance the City of Chico’s economy and livability for all modes of transportation.
- Efficiently and effectively providing a reliable, sustainable and cost-effective sanitary sewer and storm water collection system for our residents and businesses.
Chico Municipal Code
The current City Fee Schedule can be found on the Finance Department page under View City Financial Data > Resources > Fee Schedule

Bike Map
Active Transportation Plan
City of Chico Active Transportation Plan (ATP)
- Cover Page
- Acknowledgements
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Existing Conditions
- Categories of Interest
- Methods of Increasing Walking and Bicycling
- Bikeway 99
- Successes in Recent Years
- Goals, Objectives, and Strategies
- Policy and Planning Context
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Non-Infrastructure Engagement
- Proposed Pedestrian Bicycle Facilities
- Implementation Plan
- Benefits
- Table of Contents
- Appendix A - LTS Methodology
- Appendix B - Stakeholder Engagement Documentation
- Appendix C - Recommendations
- Appendix D - Plan Benefits
- Appendix E - Prioritized Project Costs
- Appendix F - Proposed Bikeway Network
- Appendix G - Resolution of Plan Adoption; Council Comments; Revisions to Final Plan