Community Development

The Community Development Department is responsible for the Planning, Building, Housing, Code Enforcement and GIS division functions.
Staff reviews all residential, commercial and industrial projects in the City. Our goal is to effectively process building and development projects through consistency and fairness using the City’s Municipal Code, general design practices, and common interests of Chico citizens.
The Building Division is responsible for activities related to the construction, remodeling, and demolition of buildings and structures.
Code Enforcement is responsible for the preservation of neighborhoods by gaining compliance with applicable ordinances within the Chico Municipal Code.
The Planning Division is responsible for current and long range administration of State, regional and local land use laws.
eTRAKiT is the City's online building permit portal. It provides public access to search for information and complete common tasks online.
The Housing Division administers federal, State and local affordable housing funds to improve the quality of life of community members through affordable housing and related community development activities.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) produces interactive and static, printable PDF maps for public consumption.