Planning Division
The Planning Division is responsible for current and long range administration of State, regional, and local land use laws.
Current Planning involves the review of development applications for conformance with City plans, ordinances and policies related to zoning, urban design, subdivision, and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Processing of development applications also includes the consideration of public input at Planning Commission, Zoning Administrator, Architectural Review and Historic Preservation Board, and City Council meetings. Please see the Chico Development Review Process below.
Long Range Planning involves the City’s policy planning activities, which include analyzing and preparing various planning documents such as the City’s General Plan, specific plans, Design Guidelines, and other land use studies. Community Development staff also assemble and maintain community data and demographics and coordinate the reporting of this data to outside agencies.
Residential Development is dependant on the type of residential zoning for the property. For more information about zoning, set backs, development standards and land use, visit Residential Development.
The City was awarded SB 2 grant funds to develop Pre-Approved ADUs in single and two story floor plans available to property owners in the City of Chico.
When communities are annexed into the City of Chico, the City provides municipal services to those communities. This provides resources to key services provided by the City.
Commercial Development is dependant on the type of zoning for the property. For more information about zoning, development stanrds and land use, visit Commercial Development.
Learn about Senate Bill 1000 and contribute to Chico's planning for environmental justice.
The 2022-2030 Housing Element was adopted September 19, 2023. Follow this link to view the complete Housing Element and to review the Housing Element process.
View current documents for projects in process like Barber Yard, Valley's Edge and Stonegate.
Please review the Planning Division Forms and Fees.
Chico Development Review Process
Development Activity
SB 9 Housing Laws
The City has received questions about the new State housing laws that have recently adopted SB 9 for implementation at our local level. SB 9 (California Housing Opportunity and More Efficiency (“HOME”) Act) only applies in areas zoned for single-family residential development and generally allows for:
1) the conversion of a single-family residence into a 2-unit home, the construction of another attached or detached residence, or a duplex unit, and
2) the subdivision (i.e., Urban Lot Split) of an existing lot as long as the newly created parcels are both at least 40% of the size of the existing lot.
In an effort to help familiarize you with SB 9 we have prepared a list of Frequently Asked Questions, and the submittal applications for both:
1) SB9 2-Unit Conversions, and
2) SB 9 Urban Lot Splits.
Links to our local version of SB 9 can be found here:
Please contact Community Development at (530) 879-6800 or email, If you would like additional assistance.
SB 9 Applications:
Application forms are also available at the 2nd floor public counter in the Municipal Center at 411 Main Street. Click the links below to access the electronic applications. Please note that a real time application must be submitted with the Urban Lot application in order for staff to accept the submittal.
Municipal Code and Zoning, Land Use, and Interactive City Maps
Municipal Code
Title 19 of Chico’s Municipal Code is the city’s land use and development regulations. They define what uses are allowed within particular zoning districts and specify development standards for construction, such as building height, lot coverage, parking standards, landscaping requirements, and setbacks.
Title 19 of Chico’s Municipal Code is the city’s land use and development regulations. They define what uses are allowed within particular zoning districts and specify development standards for construction, such as building height, lot coverage, parking standards, landscaping requirements, and setbacks.
Zoning Map
The Zoning Map is a scalable and printable map that you can use to determine the zoning for your property.
The Zoning Map is a scalable and printable map that you can use to determine the zoning for your property.
Land Use Map
The Land Use Map is a scalable and printable map that you can use to determine the General Plan land use designation for your property.
The Land Use Map is a scalable and printable map that you can use to determine the General Plan land use designation for your property.
City Limits Map
The City Limits Map shows all incorporated areas in the city of Chico.
The City Limits Map shows all incorporated areas in the city of Chico.
Interactive City Map
Zoning, land use, parcels, sewer and storm drain facilities, city limits, creeks and flood zones are available on this interactive map.
Zoning, land use, parcels, sewer and storm drain facilities, city limits, creeks and flood zones are available on this interactive map.