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City of Chico

City of Chico

The Current Projects listed below are in process of review with the Planning Division. Select the project you are interested in to view documents and project information.

Residential Readiness Code Amendments

City-initiated amendments to Title 19 of the Chico Municipal Code (Land Use and Development Regulations) to implement numerous 2022 Housing Element Actions, create consistency with policy direction in the General Plan, resolve minor inconsistencies in the Code, formalize interpretations made by the Community Development Director, respond to new State legislation, and clarify terms and definitions. A corresponding amendment to Table LU-2 in the Land Use Element of the General Plan is proposed for consistency with changes made to Title 19. The proposed code amendments also address direction by the City Council to 1) institute efficiencies in permitting processes for projects requiring architectural review, 2) provide for greater flexibility in parking standards for residential projects proposed in the Downtown Parking Area, 3) adopt special restrictions on the sale and service of alcohol by Council resolution, and 4) clarify language regarding commercial cannabis regulations. The proposed amendments represent Phase 1 of a planned multi-phase Code Amendment program and are referred to as the “Residential Readiness” program, as the majority of amendments are intended to streamline existing processes, reduce barriers for residential development and facilitate housing production. 

Project Documents:


Notice of Public Hearing:

The City of Chico Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, May 16, 2024, at 6:00 pm in the City Council Chambers located at 421 Main Street, Chico. (Planning Commission Agendas)

2240 Nord Avenue Apartments

The Project (Planned Development Permit 23-02 for 2240 Nord Partnership) is located along the north side of Nord Avenue, east side of W. Lindo Avenue, south of active railroad tracks (Union Pacific railroad line), and west of an existing residential neighborhood (Westside Place). Development would include construction of a 208-unit multi-family residential appartment complex at the approximately 11.77-acre property located at 2240 Nord Avenue, Chico (APNs 042-140-174 and 042-140-175). Planned Development of multi-family housing at 2240 Nord Avenue Apartments

Project Documents:


Barber Yard

Bell-Muir SPA Dissolution (GPA/RZ 24-02) and Autumn Leaf Estates Subdivision (ANX 24-01, SUB 24-01)

Past Projects

The Past Projects listed below have completed the review process with the Planning Division. Select the project you are interested in to view documents and project information.

Eshoo Tentative Parcel Map

The Project (Parcel Map 18-01 for Eshoo) is located on the northwest corner of Bruce Road at State Route (SR) 32 in Chico, CA (APN 002-160-076). It would subidivide a 20-acre parcel into four separate parcels:
  • Parcel 1 (11.8 acres) - includes a 6.6-acre portion of the site zoned R3 (Medium-High Density Residential), and 4.7 acres zoned R4 (High Density Residential). This parcel would also include fractions of other zoning districts, totaling 0.5 acres, to accomodate a new private road and new bridge over Dead Horse Slough to provide access to the parcel.
  • Parcel 2 (2.2 acres) - includes a portion of the site zoned CC (Community Commercial), located at the corner of the project at Bruce Road and SR 32.
  • Parcel 3 (0.6 acres) - includes entrance/extension of Sierra Sunrise Terrace.
  • Parcel 4 (5.5 acres) - "Lot A" includes 3.1 acres zoned OS1 (Primary Open Space) and 2.4 acres zoned OS2 (Secondary Open Space), and is proposed to be preserved by a conservation easement.
Eshoo proposed land division on the northwest corner of Bruce Road and State Route 32

Project Documents:


Notice of Public Hearing:

The City of Chico Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, May 16, 2024, at 6:00 pm in the City Council Chambers located at 421 Main Street, Chico. (Planning Commission Agendas)

Stonegate Project Files

City Council Agenda Report For 10/02/18

City Council Agenda Report For 09/18/18

PC Agenda Report For 8/30/18

Final Environmental Impact Report

Comment Letter Appendix

Aqua Terra Aeris

Draft Environmental Impact Report With No Appendices

Draft Environmental Impact Review (in Sections):

IV. Environmental Impact Analysis


Stonegate Project Maps

Valley's Edge Specific Plan

The Project (Specific Plan 19-01, General Plan Amendment 22-03, Rezone 19-01, Code Amendment 22-02, and Development Agreement 22-01 ) is located south of E. 20th Street and north of Skyway and Honey Run Road (APNs 018-390-005, 018-390-007, 017-210-005, 017-210-006, 017-240-023, and 017-260-119).
To view the project applicant's website, visit: 

Childs meadow grass and tree image


March 5, 2024 - Primary Election:

Valley's Edge Specific Plan had two local measures in the March 5, 2024, Primary Election. Both measures failed to pass with over 62% of voters voting "No" on each measure.
  • Measure O: City of Chico - Resolution 08-23 Approving General Plan Amendment 22-03 Valley's Edge Specific Plan
  • Measure P: City of Chico - Resolution 09-23 Approving Valley's Edge Specific Plan
For more information, visit Valley's Edge election information. To view election results, visit Butte County Election Results Summary.

City Council:

January 3, 2023 - Item 4.1 Public Hearing for Valley's Edge Specific Plan Adoption
January 17, 2023 - Item 2.1 Final Reading and Adoption of Ordinances:
  • Amending the Prezoning of Property within the Valley's Edge Specific Plan Area;
  • Amending Title 19 of the Chico Municipal Code to add the Valley's Edge Specific Plan Zoning Overlay District; and
  • Approving the Development Agreement Between the City of Chico and Chico Land Investments, LLC.
April 4, 2023 - Item 5.1 Valley's Edge Referendum on Resolution 08-23 and Referendum on Resolution 09-23
April 18, 2023 - Item 5.7 Valley's Edge Referendum on Resolution 08-23 and Referendum on Resolution 09-23 Continued
October 17, 2023 - Item 5.6 Consideration of a Resolution Calling for a Special Election on March 5, 2024

Planning Commission:

April 18, 2019 - 
November 18, 2021 - Item 4.1 Public Hearing to Receive Comments on the Draft Enfironmental Impact Report for the Valley's Edge Specific Plan
December 1, 2022 - Item 4.2 Public Hearing for Valley's Edge Specific Plan, General Plan Amendment, Rezone and Development Agreement
March 2, 2023 - Item 4.2 Public Hearing for Valley's Edge Specific Plan, General Plan Amendment, Rezone and Development Agreement

Project Documents:


Final Environmental Documentation

Planning Commission Documents

Additional Supporting Documents

Final Environmental Impact Report Documents

Updated Public Review Draft Specific Plan 2022

Draft Environmental Impact Report Documents

Public Draft Specific Plan

Old Files

Preliminary Studies

Application Materials

Valley’s Edge Project Maps