Commercial, Office, Industrial, & Airport Development
For any non-residential development, the first step is to find the zoning for your property. Zoning

regulates what uses can go where and the development standards to which new development must be built. Development standards refer to the height, lot coverage, parking standards, tree shading or landscaping requirements, and setback requirements that apply within a particular zone. If a proposed project is of a different use or standard than is normally allowed within a particular zone, the applicant may need to request a variance or a special permit. Otherwise, the property may require a zone change. The purpose of establishing zoning designations within a community is to ensure that neighboring land uses are compatible with one another. Residential uses, for example, generally are not compatible with industrial uses.
What Is Your Zoning?
To find out zoning information on your property, you may do one of the following:
- Download the Zoning Map
- Visit Interactive City Map
- Contact the Community Development Department at (530) 879-6800
- Send an email to
Allowed Uses and Development Standards by Zoning District
Once you have determined your zoning, click on the link below to access the Allowed Use Table and General Development Standards (e.g., setbacks, minimum lot size) for your property.
- Residential Zones - Refer to Division IV Chapter 19.42
- Office Zones & Commercial Zones - Refer to Division IV Chapter 19.44
- Manufacturing/ Industrial Zones - Refer to Division IV Chapter 19.46
- Airport Zones - Refer to Division IV Chapter 19.48
What is an Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN)?
An Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) is a 12-digit number that is found on your tax bill or tax receipt. Each parcel of land has its own unique number that identifies the property’s location within the County. If you have a physical address, we can obtain your parcel number for you or you can access it on-line using the Interactive City Map feature of the City’s website.
What land uses are allowed on my property?
Allowable land uses are based on the property’s zoning district and can be found in the Chico Municipal Code. A matrix is provided that lists uses allowed by right, uses requiring a Use Permit, and those uses that are prohibited. Click on the links below to view the matrix for each zoning district.
Use Tables
Municipal Code Title 19 - Refer to Division IV Chapter 19.40
What are my building setbacks?
Building setbacks vary depending on the zoning designation of the property and can be found in the Development Standards section in the Chico Municipal Code (click on the links below).
Development Standards
Municipal Code Title 19 - Refer to Division V Chapter 19.60
Can my property be rezoned?
The current zoning and General Plan designations of a property both play a role in determining possible development and rezoning options. Contact Community Development at (530) 879-6800 to obtain zoning and General Plan designations for the property in question and discuss possible rezoning options with Planning staff.
Can I subdivide my property?
Depending on the property’s General Plan designation (which determines allowable density or the number of units per acre) and zoning (which regulates minimum lot size), it may be possible to subdivide your property. For further assistance, contact Community Development at (530) 879-6800.
How do I determine the location of my property line?
The City’s subdivision maps show the approximate location of your property lines. However, for a precise location, you will need to check the legal description of the property (check the Preliminary Title Report, if one is available) or hire a professional surveyor to determine the precise location. Fence lines are not necessarily property lines. For further assistance, contact Community Development at (530) 879-6800 or Development Engineering staff at (530) 879-6900.
What are the City’s parking requirements?
The City’s parking requirements can be found in Chico Municipal Code’s Chapter 19.70. For further assistance, contact Community Development at (530) 879-6800.
What are the City’s landscaping requirements?
The City’s landscaping requirements can be found in Chico Municipal Code’s Chapter 19.68. For further assistance, contact Community Development at (530) 879-6800.
What are the City’s sign requirements?
The City’s sign requirements can be found in Chico Municipal Code’s Chapter 19.74. For further assistance, contact Community Development at (530) 879-6800.