Tenant Resources
California Tenants: A Guide to Tenants' and Landlords' Rights and Responsibilities
Information regarding State Rent Increase Laws can be found here:
CA COVID-19 Rent Relief Available:
For more information, please visit Butte 2-1-1, dial 2-1-1 or text your zip code to 898211.
For more information, please visit Butte 2-1-1, dial 2-1-1 or text your zip code to 898211.
City residents and landlords may be eligible for the State's Rental Assistance Program. Additional information is linked here.
Section 8 Rental assistance, as well as Affordable Housing, Senior Housing and Special Needs Housing are programs administered through the:
Housing Authority of the County of Butte
2039 Forest Avenue, Suite 10
Chico, CA 95928
(530) 895-4474
Housing Authority of the County of Butte
2039 Forest Avenue, Suite 10
Chico, CA 95928
(530) 895-4474
The Housing Authority also administers the City's federally funded Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) program and locally funded, Lease Guarantee Program. Contact the Housing Authority for information on these programs.
Substandard Housing
What is Substandard Housing?
Any dwelling unit that is lacking appropriate facilities to provide for a safe and secure residence or one that impedes on a renter's ability to freely use and enjoy their home.
How to report Substandard Housing Conditions
Locally - Contact City of Chico Code Enforcement at (530) 879-6330. Please leave a message with details and contact information. Staff will log concerns and respond as soon as possible.
Unfair business practices-
California Department of Consumer Affairs (800) 952-5210
California Department of Consumer Affairs (800) 952-5210
For complaints involving discrimination or Fair Housing violations, file a complaint with the California Civil Rights Department and/or Department of Fair Employment and Housing
For more information regarding Tenant Rights and Protections, consider calling the Statewide Tenant's Rights Hotline (888) 495-8020
Homeowner Resources
Home Energy Efficiency and Weatherization Program(s) for eligible homeowners
Butte County Community Action Agency administers two programs for eligible homeowners within Butte County to assist with weatherization and energy-efficient upgrades. Visit buttecaa.com/weatherization for more information
Expanded eligibility for mortgage assistance for low-to-moderate income homeowners
City of Chico residents may be eligible for the CalHFA’s California Mortgage Relief Program. Additional information and application linked here.
Foreclosure Resources
Legal Services of Northern California has a dedicated housing attorney to assist those facing foreclosure and offers free monthly workshops; call 530-345-9491 for information.
Affordable Housing
Affordable Housing Contacts and Resources
Below is a non-exhaustive list of local affordable housing contacts.
For a guide to in-service affordable housing projects, see our Low-Cost Housing Resource Guide.
For information on low-income housing programs and currently available affordable housing units, please contact the Housing Authority of the County of Butte, butte-housing.com, (530) 895-4474.
For other information regarding emergency housing and other housing programs, contact Butte 2-1-1 by dialing 2-1-1 or at helpcentral.org.
For information on Student Housing, please visit University Housing,
Additional Contacts and Resources
Additional Contacts and Resources
Additional Contacts and Resources
Butte County Recovers - Resources for Camp Fire Evacuees
Butte Countywide Homeless Continuum of Care
CalHFA First-time Homebuyer Assistance Programs
Directory of Health and Human Services Available in Butte County (Butte 2-1-1)
Disability Action Center
Homeless Shelters and Resources
Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Housing and Community Development (HCD)
North Valley Property Owners Association
Assisted Living Resources
Community Action Agency of Butte County
Butte Countywide Homeless Continuum of Care
CalHFA First-time Homebuyer Assistance Programs
Directory of Health and Human Services Available in Butte County (Butte 2-1-1)
Disability Action Center
Homeless Shelters and Resources
Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Housing and Community Development (HCD)
North Valley Property Owners Association
Assisted Living Resources
Community Action Agency of Butte County