Citizens Police Academy
Citizens Police Academy
Citizens Police Academy
January 9, 2025 - April 10, 2025
The Citizens Police Academy is a twelve (12) week program designed to give participants an inside look at local law enforcement. During the Academy, students will be introduced to a variety of topics that will give them an overview of the Chico Police Department’s functions and operational procedures.
Academy classes are presented by Police Department administrators, veteran department personnel, current police officers and volunteers. Participants may have the opportunity to meet with the Chief of Police and various other staff members. Students are encouraged to ask questions and express ideas and concerns.
Volunteers in Police Service
Volunteers in Police Service
Volunteers in Police Service
The Volunteers in Police Service (V.I.P.S.) is an organization that assists the Chico Police Department. The program is designed to have citizen volunteers perform routine police functions to help the department provide quality law enforcement service in our community.
Chico Police Internship Program
Chico Police Internship Program
Chico Police Internship Program
The Chico Police Department takes pride in providing internship opportunities for our local college students each Spring and Fall semester. The department hosts between 5 and 15 interns each semester, many returning for several semesters of service to the department.
Chico Police Chaplains
Chico Police Chaplains
Chico Police Chaplains
The Chico Police Chaplaincy is a volunteer unit created to provide non-denominational physical, mental and spiritual support to the City of Chico Police Department personnel and victims of crimes and tragedies in the greater Chico, California, area.