Frequently Asked Questions
Public Hours
Public Hours
Public Hours
Records Department
- Monday-Thursday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Property and Evidence
- Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 4 p.m., by appointment ONLY
- Wednesday - Closed
How do I schedule an appointment for LiveScan Fingerprinting?
LiveScan Fingerprinting is available by appointment only.
- The Chico Police Department rolling fee is $29.00
- Additional Department of Justice and/or FBI fees may apply if you do not have a billing number
- To make an appointment, please contact Records at (530) 897-4910.
Other agencies that officer LiveScan fingerprinting are:
- Chico State University Police (530) 898-5555
- Butte County Sheriff’s Department (530) 538-7391
- Paradise Police Department (530) 872-6241
For manual fingerprint cards contact:
- Butte County Sheriff’s Department (530) 538-7391
- Oroville Police Department (530) 538-2448
How do I report an abandoned vehicle?
For abandoned trailers, boats, or motor homes, contact Code Enforcement at (530) 879-6330. For other vehicles, contact Records during publics hours at (530) 897-4910. After hours, contact Dispatch at the non-emergency number (530) 897-4912.
How do I request/obtain a restraining order?
Contact Butte County Superior Court at (530) 532-7002.
Where can I drop off my old medication and needles?
Contact Butte County Health Department at (530) 891-2945 or Butte Regional Household Hazardous Waste Facility 1101 Marauder St or Walgreens (for Medication Only) at 1042 Nord Ave (530) 566-1358.
Where can I turn in my firearms for destruction?
Contact Dispatch at the non-emergency number (530) 897-4912.
How do I get my towed/impounded/stored vehicle released?
Contact Records Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-4 p.m. at (530) 897-4910 - Call in advance to confirm your vehicle status and the documents required for the release.
Release Requirements - The person requesting release of the vehicle must be the registered owner, or have a written authorization from the registered owner, or be repossessing the vehicle.
5, 15 or 30-Day Holds - Vehicles towed for the following California Vehicle Codes are often subject to a 30-day Impound: 14601, 12500(a) CVC.
Vehicles towed for driving under the influence may be subject to a 5 or 15-day Impound if the driver has prior driving under the influence conviction/s.
If your vehicle is placed on an impound and you feel you qualify for an early release you may request a Tow Hearing at (530) 897-4970.
Fees - Vehicles towed for the following California Vehicle Codes are subject to a Vehicle Impound Release Fee of $243: 14601, 12500(a), or 4000(a) CVC.
Release Document Requirements
- Written authorization must include vehicle description, license number, name of authorized person picking up the vehicle, registered owner’s signature, copy of registered owner’s drivers license to verify signature, current address, and current phone number in case we need to contact registered owner.
- VALID driver’s license or an accompanying licensed driver with valid identification
- If applicable, a receipt showing payment of outstanding parking tickets from City of Chico Finance Department or Department of Motor Vehicles.
- Proof of current registration if vehicle was not currently registered at time of tow. E.g. Proof of ownership, DMV receipt of paid registration fees and one-day moving permit or temporary registration (if lacking smog, proof of insurance, etc.), certificate of non-operation and a one-day moving permit.
- Repossessors must provide either a copy of the assignment or an Affidavit of Repossession AND a copy of the security agreement or a copy of the title showing proof of legal ownership.
How can I get a copy of an Accident Report?
To get a copy of your accident report you will need to know: 1) the date the accident occurred, and 2) the last name and drivers license# of the involved party. Contact Records during the public hours posted above. There is $6.00 cost for a paper copy of the report. You may also make a request on the City of Chico’s Next Request Portal:
How can I get Public Records?
Upon receipt of a records request, the Records Section will prepare the copy within 10 business days, or notify you of a delay. The fees for reports vary based on the quantity of reports requested and the type of information. Arrest reports are not subject to release via the Public Records Act. You may make a request on the City of Chico’s Next Request Portal: Records Request Form
What are some common fees?
Incident Report | Starts at $6.00 |
Visa Clearance Letters | $19.50 |
Local Records Review | $39.50 |
Digital Photos, Videos, Audio (911) | $41/disc |
Statistics (price varies) |
$6.00 to $44.00
Firearm Storage |
$98 per firearm
Fingerprint Rolling Fee (Does not inlcude DOJ and FBI Fees) |