Outreach and Engagement Process
Warren v. Chico Information
- Warren v. Chico FAQ
- Warren v. Chico Settlement Agreement
- Anti-Camping Ordinance Enforcement Timeline
Current Notices
- Notice of Planned Closure of Public Property/Enforcement of Camping - City Plaza, Lindo Channel, & Municipal Center.
- Notice of Planned Closure of Public Property/Enforcement of Camping - Teichert Ponds, Big Chico Creek from Rose Ave. to Cherry St., & Bidwell Park from Sycamore Pool to Manzanita Ave.
- Notice of Planned Closure of Public Property/Enforcement of Camping - E 20th Street Park Entrances, Lower Bidwell Park, & Little Chico Creek from Humboldt Road to Bruce Road
- Notice of Planned Closure of Public Property/Enforcement of Camping - Triangle (S. Humboldt Ave./ E. Pine St. / W. Cypress St.), W. 9th St./Hazel St., Lindo Channel (River Bend Loop to Manzanita)
- Notice of Planned Closure of Public Property/Enforcement of Camping - Comanche Creek, Lower Bidwell Park, & Teichert Ponds
- Notice of Planned Closure of Public Property/Enforcement of Camping - Adjacent bike path to Skyway & Lowe's, Parcel between Olive Street & Humboldt Ave, Lost Park
- Notice of Planned Closure of Public Property/Enforcement of Camping - City Plaza, Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway, North of East 20th Street
- Notice of Planned Closure of Public Property/Enforcement of Camping - Lindo Channel