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City of Chico

City of Chico



Chico is competing with every airport in the country for an airline’s attention and commitment. Air service is expensive to start and maintain, and cities need to minimize airline risk and help prove a market will be successful.
Chico's Airline Incentive Package is key to bringing in this service, however it cannot be done without your help. Our fund goal of $1.5 million will be heavily reliant upon support from businesses and community members alike. 
It is a general consensus that a community in today's world cannot function to its full capacity if it isn't fully connected to the outside world. Many members of the public agree that the lack of commercial air service to KCIC has had a negative effect on the long-term viability for commercial success in Chico. Having air service will open a myriad of opportunities for local residents to expand their horizons.
Businesses will increased success, especially concerning the development of new business and professional talent.
Altogether, air service will provide Chico the boost it needs to distinguish its true greatness.
Since originally losing air service in 2014, the City of Chico and its affiliates have worked extensively to remarket Chico Regional Airport (KCIC) as a gateway to air travel within the North State. Through these endeavors, Chico Regional Airport has come to be a front-runner for future air service.
Now, we stand closer than ever to achieving our goal. With your help, soon Chico will be able to welcome air service once more, and with it a new page for Chico's success. Join us on this campaign and make a difference.
Tom Bahr, City of Chico Airport Manager

Check out Chico Regional Airport's Air Service Brochure


Preview and download a copy of the Brochure Chico Regional Airport uses in its air service fundraising activities

Become a Chico Regional Airport Supporter

Chico Regional Airport is building a competitive, comprehensive incentive program to encourage an airline to begin flying from Chico. In order to bring the airlines to Chico, we are in need of community and business support.
Become a Chico Regional Airport Supporter

Contribute to the Revenue Guarantee Fund

The City of Chico, the airport, and community partners utilize a Revenue Guarantee Fund to incentivize an airline to launch commercial airline service. The funding will be a mix of local support and a $500,000 federal grant provided to the City of Chico by the Department of Transportation. As of now, this fund has surpassed the $800,000 mark of its $1,500,000 goal.
To learn more about how you can contribute please visit the Revenue Guarantee Fund page or contact the Airport Manager

Sign a Letter of Support

To prove a vested community interest in air service, airlines often seek the support and endorsement of prominent community members.
Sign a copy of the letter and mail it to the Airport Manager's Office

Become a Community Partner

Organizations within the Greater Chico Cachement Area can help benefit the cause for air service at Chico Regional Airport by becoming a community partner.
To learn more about this, please contact the Airport Manager

Learn More

To schedule a presentation or a one-on-one meeting to discuss your support, contact Airport Manager, Tom Bahr:
(530) 896-7216
What is the airline incentive program?

What is the airline incentive program?

A combination of government and community support in addition to airline risk mitigation incentive packages, the airline incentive program is a package intended to attract air service with a targeted fundraising goal of $1.5 million.
  1. Fee Waivers: By waiving many of the fees associated with air service, carriers have much greater incentive to operate in a given city.
  2. DOT SCASDP Grant: Awarded to Chico in 2021 by the Department of Transportation, the Small Community Air Service Development Program grant worth $500,000 helps small communities like Chico address their needs for air service.
  3. Revenue Guarantee Fund: The revenue guarantee fund is a community supported fund operated through our local partners. It is composed of direct financial contributions through both our community partners and generous members of the local community.