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City of Chico

City of Chico

SR-99 Corridor Bikeway Facility Phase 5

Currently in Design Phase

Currently in Design Phase

Rendering of the proposed bridge design.

Project Information

The City of Chico,  in cooperation with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), proposes to construct a Class I bikeway street overcrossing above East 20th Street, while establishing a bikeway gap closure along the east side of SR 99 corridor. The project is located in Township 22 North, Range 1 East in the City of Chico, within Butte County, California. The completed Bikeway 99 Corridor will serve as a continuous alternative transportation and recreational route from Eaton Road to Skyway, spanning nearly 7 miles. The current lack of a safe and direct pedestrian/bike path discourages residents from walking or biking to local schools, job centers, commercial areas, and public services. This project will connect people to goods and services including the Chico Mall. The bikeway overcrossing would provide a link to both sides of East 20th Street and Business Lane, offering access to local restaurants and businesses. The bikeway would enhance the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists by creating a route that is separate from traffic congestion on East 20th Street. Additional safety features of the path include lighting, security cameras and the removal of thick vegetation in order to increase visibility on the bikeway. The ramp structure will include the installment of lighting, fencing, and/or the use of other techniques (i.e., physical barriers) to discourage graffiti and loitering. The design of the bridge, as selected through an extensive public outreach effort, is intended to incorporate the history, culture and overall atmosphere of Chico.

Public Outreach

A public outreach workshop was held on 10/7/09.
A public information workshop regarding the fencing along SUDAD ditch was held on 3/18/10.


Contact Information

Noel Carvalho, Associate Engineer
Public Works-Engineering
411 Main Street, Second Floor
Chico, CA 95928
Tel: 530.879.6935
Administration E-Mail