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City of Chico

City of Chico

Bruce Road Reconstruction Project

Construction starting April 22, 2024

Construction starting April 22, 2024

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Road Closure Information

Beginning April 22, 2024
  • Bruce Road immediately south of E. 20th Street to 100 yards north of Skyway
  • Bruce Road between Banner Peak Drive and Concord Avenue/Picholine Way 
  • Road Closure Map - Construction Stage 2 (Active Starting 7/29/24)

Detour Information

Beginning October 19, 2024
Typical Section of Bruce Road

Project Description

The proposed project involves the reconstruction and widening of an approximately 2-mile segment of Bruce Road from State Route 32 (SR 32) to Skyway utilizing roller-compacted concrete pavement. The proposed “Complete Streets” improvements include widening Bruce Road from an existing 2-lane arterial roadway to a 4-lane arterial roadway, and replacement of the existing two-lane, functionally obsolete Bruce Road bridge over Little Chico Creek (Caltrans Bridge # 12C0106) with a new four-lane bridge structure. The new, approximately 96-feet long by 96.5-feet wide bridge will accommodate four lanes of traffic, a raised center median, pedestrian/bicycle facilities consisting of a Class I bike path on the west side of Bruce Road, and a sidewalk on the east side.  The new bridge will be comprised of three-span, cast-in-place, reinforced concrete slab superstructure founded on pile supported abutments and 16-inch diameter multi-column piers supported on spread footings.
The ultimate roadway design includes construction of the following: a 14-foot landscaped center median; roadway lighting; 5-foot bike lanes with 2-foot buffered striping on both east and west sides of Bruce Road; dedicated left turn lanes at various intersections; concrete curb, gutter, and curb ramps; and a 12-foot wide concrete multi-use path on the west side. The project also includes storm drainage improvements such as drainage pipe, manholes, and curb inlets, as well as minor extension and upgrading of sewer facilities where required. The City will be installing all infrastructure improvements detailed herein, except for a few limited frontage improvements (e.g., sidewalk and parkway strips) on the east side of Bruce Road that will be installed by others in conjunction with the requirements of adjacent private developments.
This project is funded through a $22 million Infill Infrastructure Grant (IIG) awarded by the California Department of Housing and Community Development, Measure H, and other local funds.
Rendering of future Bruce Road facing south from E 20th Street
Department Hours
Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Contact Information
Street Address
411 Main Street, Chico, CA 95928
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 3420, Chico, CA 95927-3420
(530) 879-6900


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